According to Hon Wisdom Seade he said” there are salt, iron and other minerals impurities mixed up with the fresh water underground”.
He further said, there has been several water analysis in the Anyako enclave but the results has always been the same.
There are thick deep salt and other minerals in the water table beneath the earth which do not make it easier for automatic fresh water
to be gotten in the anyako area. The Hon continued to say that “if we can get fresh water without any impurities then we need to drill
about 350-400ms down the earth before fresh water could be obtained”. There are several evidence that shows there are iron particles and
other mineral present in all the boreholes drilled in Anyako area. During our visit and personal observations, it was seen that there
were some thick brownish colors found on the outer of the borehole metal pipes, polytans and the reservoirs that were used to collect
the borehole water from the water station. This was a sign that there was presence of iron particles found in the borehole water.
Hon Wisdom took TEAM CSR Ghana to the site where the colonial borehole system was installed and indeed it was seen that there is iron ore
and salt found in the water. He further led us to the community hospital to also analyze the water available and it was also noticed that
the water there tasted very salty and was not good enough for drinking. Mr. Wisdom also led TCSRG team to the community school to also
analyze the water system there and indeed it was also tasting slightly salty but was full of iron ore.
Hon Wisdom also indicated and shared the plans of Ghana Water Company Limited and how they intend to help the Anyako Community.
Mr Wisdom said “The Ghana Water Company Limited (GWCL) is exploring the possibility of tapping water from boreholes for processing and
distribution to Anyako and its environs, hit by an acute water shortage for the past five years.
He said the current pumping site might have to be abandoned for new sites which are likely to be at nearby Abolove.
the representative from GWCL said a hydrologist was expected in the area to select exact sites for drilling to commence.
He said the role of the GWCL, as the potable water supply experts, was only to facilitate the project.
A group of young people at Anyako seized the water system there seven years ago and declared a self-management regime but failed to deliver.
As a result Anyako-Konu, nearby Seva and surrounding areas have been without water for some years now.
The hydrologist explained that the proposal to abandon the old pumping site was due to the high salinity level in littoral areas, which necessitates the relocation of pumping stations.
Mr. Wisdom of Anyako, received four giant size water receptacles for use by the community recently condemned the take over of the water system and pleaded with the GWCL to return to provide water for the area.
He said Anyako was in distress and could be at the brink of disease outbreak.